We love to write!

These girls in Year 1 were incredibly proud of the writing that they had produced.
This was a retelling of a tale of a little white owl.

I was impressed by the cursive writing, the confident use of speech marks and the flow of the stories.

All four are quite right to be smiling so much….well done!


Year 6 Maths Team



I have set the very able Year 6 Mathematicians a challenge.
Using resources from a difficult Maths competition site, they have a weekly challenge to complete. These ten children are now split in to two teams of five; pitted against each other.

Believe me when I say that these are tough challenges!
Team work, logic, mathematical knowledge and perseverance are all needed.

If they complete my weekly challenges, with determination, confidence and competence…a reward awaits!!

I will be starting a second Maths Challenge Group, after half term. This will be open to those children who are exceeding the target expected of their age group….anyone willing to have a go can join….but prepared for your brain to ache!!

Year 2 Budding Basketball Players

Both Liam and Cameron showed really potential, with their basketball shooting practice.
The nets were significantly higher than both of them but that did not stop them hitting the target.

They have asked if they can start a basketball club. Would anyone be interested in this, if Mr
Horsley helped them?

I can see some budding Hi5 netball players too.
Great enthusiasm…well done!




Proud of his Jubilee party plan!



Year 3/4 have been planning their jubilee party. Roman was particularly proud of his writing; asking to specifically share his work with me.
Once again, it was a pleasure to talk to him about his work and handwriting and see the progress which has been made.
Having pride in your work does make a huge difference. Well done!