What would you make with this delicious food?

During the pandemic and the lockdowns we have been continuing to receive food from FareShare, an organisation that aims to save good food from going to waste and redistribute it to front line charities and community groups. Here is a sample of some of some of the amazing food we receive each week – all perfectly good food that was being thrown out for crazy reasons!

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Can you identify all the different foods?

Have you got any recipes that you would like to share with us made from the FareShare food?

Perhaps your children could help write the recipe up and maybe add some photos? 

We will put any recipes we receive on our ACE Cooking Blog

COVID News – Collapsed bubble

We’re sorry to say that due to a positive test result children and staff in Reception and 6A bubbles should self-isolate until Wednesday 4th November.

The following letter has been sent to parents/carers of pupils in RS, RW, RWC and 6A:

Dear Parents/Carers of RS, RW, RWC and 6A

I am writing to advise you that a member of our school community has tested positive for COVID-19.

We have followed the national guidance and have identified that your child has been in close contact with the affected person.  In line with the national guidance your child must now stay at home and self-isolate until Wednesday 4th November 2020, even if they do not have symptoms.  Your class teacher will be in contact after Half Term to share with you the learning for your child to undertake whilst they are away from school.

We are asking you to do this to reduce the further spread of COVID 19 to others in the community.   If your child is well at the end of the period of self-isolation, then they can return to usual activities.

Other members of your household do not need to self-isolate unless your child starts to show symptoms of COVID-19.  The symptoms are:

  • a high temperature – this means they feel hot to touch on their chest or back; and/or
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours; and/or
  • a loss of, or change in, your child’s normal sense of taste of smell (anosmia).

Please be vigilant for these symptoms and if your child starts to display any of them, it would then be necessary for all other members of your household (including anyone in your support bubble) to self-isolate for 14 days.

If your child shows any of these symptoms they should not attend school for at least 10 days after the onset of symptoms, and everyone else in your household should self-isolate for 14 days.  Your child should also be tested for COVID-19, ideally within the first five days of having symptoms.  Please see the NHS.UK website for more information on testing: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-for-coronavirus/ask-for-a-test-to-check-if-you-have-coronavirus/.

If you are concerned about your child’s health, please refer to the NHS 111 website or telephone NHS 111 or your GP. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/check-if-you-have-coronavirus-symptoms/.

Please see the link to the PHE ‘Stay at Home’ Guidance:


The safety and welfare of all our staff and children remains our top priority.  We continue to undertake thorough cleaning of the whole school and a deep clean will be carried out in the appropriate areas of school following this positive case.

If you would like to speak to someone, or have any further questions, please email the School Office – office@allertonceprimary.com.

With kind regards

Helen Stott


Year 6 graduation

‘It was a real privilege to be able to see so many of our year 6 students this morning, as we celebrated their time with us and said goodbye. As staff, we are always so proud when we get to the end of year 6; always with a tear or two to shed! But this year was even more precious, as we were able to see so many that we have not seen for months. 

Mr Kay and Miss Hall did a wonderful job, organising the event and lots of other staff assisted too.

We were delighted to be able to award Liam and Chloe as our Barbara Armstrong Award winners. They both were presented with a £50 note and will receive a trophy and the plaque in the entrance will be engraved with their names. This is a real honour and you can see on the website the criteria for this award.

Mr Moore put together another of his outstanding films, with the music and photos synced so beautifully. How does he do it!? Well, that is why we call him Mr Magic after all!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parents of our Y6 students, as you have been a tremendous support over the years. We have journeyed together and it has been quite a journey!

Wishing you all the very best.

Helen Stott

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Reopening Plan for September

I am pleased to share with you our Reopening Plan for September, which has been approved by the Governing Body this afternoon. A copy will be sent to all parents this afternoon.

Please do take the time to read through it. If, after reading this document,  you would like clarification on anything, please do email me directly on helen.stott@allertonceprimary.com .

I do appreciate your patience, as we have worked through the detail of the Dfe guidance.

kind regards
Helen Stott

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Reopening plans for September

As shared with you in our newsletters and previous updates, we aim to send you all the details of our reopening plans, at the end of this week, following Governing Body approval on Friday afternoon.

As you can imagine, the Dfe guidance came out on the 2nd July and we have been working tirelessly to ensure we have thought about every aspect of reopening with 650 children and over 100 staff.

These have included detailed meetings with other groups of Heads, the Local Authority, expert medical  information and up to date guidance.

Our aim is for all pupils to be back in school in the first week but with very clear, meticulous guidance for all stakeholders.

We want everyone to feel safe returning, maintaining all the tight systems that we have had in place since March, when we had at least 50 children in every day.

I appreciate your frustrations and am very aware that many of you will be facing job insecurity and potential redundancy. Please be assured that by the end of the first week of term, ALL pupils will be back in full time (new Reception and Nursery children will continue with their phase introduction to school, as per our normal practice).

If you have any queries, AFTER that plan is sent out to you then please just email me directly.

kind regards
Helen Stott