We have had a positive Covid test result in 4M.
Children in 4M need to self-isolate until 11.59pm on Friday 14th May 2021 and will return to school on Monday 17th May 2021.
We have had a positive Covid test result in 4M.
Children in 4M need to self-isolate until 11.59pm on Friday 14th May 2021 and will return to school on Monday 17th May 2021.
Unfortunately due to a positive result in our school community 3YON and 2S bubbles have collapsed and will have to self isolate until midnight of 3rd April and can leave self isolation on 4th April if they do not have a temperature, persistent cough, loss of / change in smell or taste or other symptoms.
2YON is closed all next week (29th March- 2nd April) due to staff shortages caused by COVID
While we are stuck at home it is important to remember that we need to keep active physically and to take movement breaks throughout the day. Active at Home challenges can be done indoors with minimal equipment and with safety consideration. Here are some suggestions:
The following letter has been sent to parents this morning in response to the Government’s announcement at 8pm last night, enforcing school closures from today – Tuesday 5th January 2021.
We’re sorry to say that we are now aware of 3 positive test results in the 6A bubble and so children and staff should self-isolate until midnight of 25 December and can leave self isolation on 26 December if they do not have a temperature, persistent cough, loss of / change in smell or taste or other symptoms.
If your child receives a positive COVID-19 test result up to Wednesday 23rd December please email covid@allertonceprimary.com to notify us. Thank you.
We’re sorry to say that due to a positive test result children and staff in the 6A bubble should self-isolate until midnight of 25 December and can leave self isolation on 26 December if they do not have a temperature, persistent cough, loss of/change in smell or taste or other symptoms.
If your child receives a positive COVID-19 test result up to Wednesday 23rd December please email covid@allertonceprimary.com to notify us. Thank you.
Following the Government announcement yesterday, and after careful consideration with the School’s Governing Body, it has been decided that school will close for the Christmas break a day earlier than planned, making the last day of term Thursday 17 December 2020. As many of you will be aware from your child’s class bubble collapsing, we have had a recent increase in numbers of positive tests within our school community and the aim of this earlier closure is to reduce the risk of pupils and staff having to self-isolate over Christmas and hopefully enable as many families as possible to safely enjoy the Christmas holiday as they have planned to do.
Staff will be in school on Friday 18 December to complete planning and preparation for the forthcoming term.
We look forward to welcoming back the children on Wednesday 6 January 2021.
Due to a positive COIVD-19 test result we have unfortunately had to collapsed several bubbles:
– the Reception bubble and one of the OOSC bubbles – children need to self-isolate to Thursday 3rd December inclusive and can return to school on Friday 4th December if they do not have a temperature, persistent cough or loss of/change in smell or taste.
– Classes 3A and 5W need to self-isolate to Monday 7th December inclusive and can return to school on Tuesday 8th December if they do not have a temperature, persistent cough or loss of/change in smell or taste.
– Class 3L needs to self-isolate from now until Thursday 10th December 2020 inclusive, even if they do not have symptoms. Your class teacher will be in contact to share with you the learning for your child to undertake whilst they are away from school. The date your child can return to school is Friday 11th December 2020 unless they start to show symptoms.
A letter has been sent to all children who are included and if you have any questions please email office@allertonceprimary.com
Due to a positive COIVD-19 test result we have unfortunately had to collapse the Reception bubble and one of the OOSC bubbles. Children need to self-isolate to Thursday 3rd December (inclusive) and can return to school on Friday 4th December if they do not have a temperature, persistent cough or loss of/change in smell or taste. A letter has been sent to all children who are included and if you have any questions please email office@allertonceprimary.com
We’re sorry to say that due to a positive test result children and staff in Reception and 6A bubbles should self-isolate until Wednesday 4th November.
The following letter has been sent to parents/carers of pupils in RS, RW, RWC and 6A:
Dear Parents/Carers of RS, RW, RWC and 6A
I am writing to advise you that a member of our school community has tested positive for COVID-19.
We have followed the national guidance and have identified that your child has been in close contact with the affected person. In line with the national guidance your child must now stay at home and self-isolate until Wednesday 4th November 2020, even if they do not have symptoms. Your class teacher will be in contact after Half Term to share with you the learning for your child to undertake whilst they are away from school.
We are asking you to do this to reduce the further spread of COVID 19 to others in the community. If your child is well at the end of the period of self-isolation, then they can return to usual activities.
Other members of your household do not need to self-isolate unless your child starts to show symptoms of COVID-19. The symptoms are:
Please be vigilant for these symptoms and if your child starts to display any of them, it would then be necessary for all other members of your household (including anyone in your support bubble) to self-isolate for 14 days.
If your child shows any of these symptoms they should not attend school for at least 10 days after the onset of symptoms, and everyone else in your household should self-isolate for 14 days. Your child should also be tested for COVID-19, ideally within the first five days of having symptoms. Please see the NHS.UK website for more information on testing: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/testing-for-coronavirus/ask-for-a-test-to-check-if-you-have-coronavirus/.
If you are concerned about your child’s health, please refer to the NHS 111 website or telephone NHS 111 or your GP. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/check-if-you-have-coronavirus-symptoms/.
Please see the link to the PHE ‘Stay at Home’ Guidance:
The safety and welfare of all our staff and children remains our top priority. We continue to undertake thorough cleaning of the whole school and a deep clean will be carried out in the appropriate areas of school following this positive case.
If you would like to speak to someone, or have any further questions, please email the School Office – office@allertonceprimary.com.
With kind regards
Helen Stott