We currently have a vacancy for an Assistant Headteacher – Maths Lead for Whole School. If you would like to know more then please visit the vacancies page on our school website.
Category Archives: Archive
Vacancy for UKS2 Class Teacher
We currently have a vacancy for an UKS2 Class Teacher. If you would like to know more then please visit the vacancies page on our school website.
Easter Healthy Holiday Club
The Easter Healthy Holiday Club has been a great success with 33 children across the two key stages enjoying 6 hours a day for 9 days of constant sporting activities.
All the children have been fully engaged and shown resilience and positive attitudes towards developing previous experiences and skills whilst also attempting new skills. The children have supported each other and team play has been enhanced through joint responsibilities by offering kind words, guidance, along with a helping hand when required.
Some parents reported that the children spoke up to going to bed about what they had been doing and began again as they prepared to come back the next day. Several said the children were “loving the experiences and activities”.
COVID news
COVID news
Unfortunately due to a positive result in our school community 3YON and 2S bubbles have collapsed and will have to self isolate until midnight of 3rd April and can leave self isolation on 4th April if they do not have a temperature, persistent cough, loss of / change in smell or taste or other symptoms.
2 Year Old Nursery closed
2YON is closed all next week (29th March- 2nd April) due to staff shortages caused by COVID
March 2021 – School Re-opening Plan
Please see below for details about school re-opening
Vacancy for School Site Caretaker
We currently have a vacancy for a School Site Caretaker. If you would like to know more then please visit the vacancies page on our school website.
Micah Richards
Last September, Micah Richards, ex-Manchester City and England footballer, TV pundit and ex-pupil came back to pay us a visit, officially open our new building and meet one of his “old” teachers – Mr Moore. Here is what Mr Moore had to say:
I think that in its simplest form, the role of a teacher is to help children to take their next steps.
I was lucky enough to have been in the right place at the right time to help Micah to tackle and overcome some of his first challenges. Those small steps seem to have made quite an impact and I am filled with pride to see Micah continuing to take on opponents with his undefeatable qualities of determination, passion, joy and laughter.
I hope that his story may encourage your children to believe that they need to have bigger dreams.
Mr Moore
Parts of the visit were filmed by Sky as part of the Sky documentary Micah Richards: Tackling Racism in Football . Here are a few excerpts from the documentary courtesy of Sky.
Keep Active at Home
While we are stuck at home it is important to remember that we need to keep active physically and to take movement breaks throughout the day. Active at Home challenges can be done indoors with minimal equipment and with safety consideration. Here are some suggestions:
Snow closure – Friday 15 January
Due to the weather conditions, Mrs Stott has made the difficult decision to close school on Friday 15th January.
All students and staff will be engaged with their home learning timetable, which you are all very familiar with.

COVID News – 5 January 2021
The following letter has been sent to parents this morning in response to the Government’s announcement at 8pm last night, enforcing school closures from today – Tuesday 5th January 2021.