Micah Richards

Last September, Micah Richards, ex-Manchester City and England footballer, TV pundit and ex-pupil came back to pay us a visit, officially open our new building and meet one of his “old” teachers – Mr Moore. Here is what Mr Moore had to say:

I think that in its simplest form, the role of a teacher is to help children to take their next steps. 

I was lucky enough to have been in the right place at the right time to help Micah to tackle and overcome some of his first challenges. Those small steps seem to have made quite an impact and I am filled with pride to see Micah continuing to take on opponents with his undefeatable qualities of determination, passion, joy and laughter.

I hope that his story may encourage your children to believe that they need to have bigger dreams.

Mr Moore

Parts of the visit were filmed by Sky as part of the Sky documentary Micah Richards: Tackling Racism in Football . Here are a few excerpts from the documentary courtesy of Sky.

Excerpt from Micah Richards: Tackling Racism in Football – Courtesy of Sky
Excerpt from Micah Richards: Tackling Racism in Football – Courtesy of Sky
Excerpt from Micah Richards: Tackling Racism in Football – Courtesy of Sky
Excerpt from Micah Richards: Tackling Racism in Football – Courtesy of Sky

COVID news – 20 December

We’re sorry to say that we are now aware of 3 positive test results in the 6A bubble and so children and staff should self-isolate until midnight of 25 December and can leave self isolation on 26 December if they do not have a temperature, persistent cough, loss of / change in smell or taste or other symptoms.

If your child receives a positive COVID-19 test result up to Wednesday 23rd December please email covid@allertonceprimary.com to notify us. Thank you.

COVID news – 18 December

We’re sorry to say that due to a positive test result children and staff in the 6A bubble should self-isolate until midnight of 25 December and can leave self isolation on 26 December if they do not have a temperature, persistent cough, loss of/change in smell or taste or other symptoms.

If your child receives a positive COVID-19 test result up to Wednesday 23rd December please email covid@allertonceprimary.com to notify us. Thank you.

KS2 Parents: Has your child mentioned ‘Sumdog’?

Sumdog claims that it personalises Maths through adaptive learning and multi-player games that pupils love – and we agree!

At ACE, every child in KS2 has a Sumdog account. In fact, children are currently enjoying a ‘National Holiday Contest’, where they are competing against others from across the UK.

Teachers will have provided children with the required login details.

Please use our Maths – No Problem! vocabulary list to get the most out of your child’s Maths home learning: http://allertonceprimary.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/16/2016/11/Glossary-of-Terms-for-MNP-.pdf

Here are other recommended resources to support Maths at home: http://allertonceprimary.com/about/curriculum/mathematics-supporting-your-child-at-home/

COVID News – 9 December 2020

Following the Government announcement yesterday, and after careful consideration with the School’s Governing Body, it has been decided that school will close for the Christmas break a day earlier than planned, making the last day of term Thursday 17 December 2020. As many of you will be aware from your child’s class bubble collapsing, we have had a recent increase in numbers of positive tests within our school community and the aim of this earlier closure is to reduce the risk of pupils and staff having to self-isolate over Christmas and hopefully enable as many families as possible to safely enjoy the Christmas holiday as they have planned to do.

Staff will be in school on Friday 18 December to complete planning and preparation for the forthcoming term.

We look forward to welcoming back the children on Wednesday 6 January 2021.