Assembly – Reception

Today’s assembly started with a wonderful slide show of what our children have been up to recently, there were lots of photos of the children learning and enjoying themselves both inside and outside the classroom. As the children filed in quietly loads of parents came to join us, it was great to see them all!

The class have been reading Goldilocks and the three bears and so they sang a song based on the story and acted it out. Our blue eyed Goldilocks, Sophie, was brilliant and the singing was superb, we could hear every single word! Baby bear’s voice was particularly brilliant.

One group of children came in dressed in hi-viz jackets and hard hats. Accompanied by some slides they told us about the new building and how they had also done some measuring and building. The new cloakroom is now open. At the opening last Friday the pupils raised £91 for the new chickens.

We then had a song about putting hats and coats on before going out to play while some of the class got dressed ready for play. Again, their singing was brilliant!

Super heroesLast week we also had a superhero day when the class all dressed up as superheroes. On that day they made some superhero biscuits, the perfect excuse to sing the biscuit song, gobble, gobble, munch, munch!

The alphabet song demonstrated that our children can not only sing well but now know their alphabet.

After the final prayer the children received a huge round of applause for their brilliant assembly with a special clap for baby bear.

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